Thursday, January 11, 2007

Like a chicken with its head cut off.

A crazy chicken.
6:00 Wake UP
7:30 House work is done
7:45 Wake up kids
8:00 kids are dressed and they have picked up their madatory five things before breakfast. So feed those buggers some cereal.
8:30 School with Marcus
9:30 school with weston
and all during that time, field seven incoming calls.
10:00 make close to thirty phone calls and stress out about how to get everything done.
10:45 receive a phone call from Teen MOPS co-coodinator. She wants to meet at 1:00 at her house
11:15. Kids have on shoes and coat. Weston has on a striped shirt, inside out, a brightly colored pair of pants with a friggy print, and no socks. No time to change. Esther has chocolate icing smeared on her face (because somewhere during that crowded mess we call morning, I found time to give them a snack of grahm crackers with choco icing- a treat from my own childhood.) Wipe Esther's face.
11:16 Oh crud. Cell phone is dead. Plug in cell phone.
11:17 Pack kids in car and run inside to put dog away and grab the cell phone which had less than a 5 minute charge.
11:30 On the road to the other side of St Louis. I have to pick up my fresh meat order and be at Christals by 1.
11:31 Realize I am a crazy nincompoop idiot woman.
11:40 get lost in St Louis. Good thing I had 5 minutes on my phone. A quick call to Dustan gets me back on the interstate going the right direction.
12:00 I am at the butcher's. They just finished my order...but it's lost. I order half a pound of bologna and american cheese while they search for my order
12:15 They found it and bring it to the van. reload the kids and pass out slices of bologna and cheese for a lunch on the move.
12:30. Field off the whining from thirsty kids (yes, I forgot to buy water).
12:45 Arrive back at house. Unpack meat while kids are still in car and listen to the dog whine because he needs to go out.
1:00 Teen Mops planning meeting
2:10 Arrive at home. Grab dog and put him in van for a trip to the park.
3:30 Arrive home and begin to boil 6 chickens...who frankly, have all had their respective heads cut off. No running around for them!
4:00 Sit down to blog
I still have to make dinner and Marcus has basketball practice tonight. When he gets done, I will conk out, literally.

Here is my fridge, after being piled with 4 chuck roasts, 16 pounds of chicken breasts, and 30 pounds of ground beef. The six headless chicken are already boiling on the stove. I bought enough meat for four months of my meal plan.

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